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Submitting for an anthology or an article for Author Helps? Please follow the instructions to the right. 

Submitting your story or article does not guarantee publication or use. You will be contacted with more details as to whether or not your submission is accepted or declined. 

You, the author, will retain all rights to your creative work whether it is fiction or non-fiction. Write Illusion LLC only asks for publication rights. These are not exclusive rights nor do they need to be first publication.

If you submit something for publication you are agreeing that you have the legal rights to the work and legal rights for it to be published (either first or second publication) by Write Illusion LLC. 

If you do not have rights or publication rights to your work, do not submit it. Write Illusion LLC assumes no legal liability.  

  Submissions are by request only. No      unsolicited submissions are accepted. If       you have been requested to submit to        Write Illusion LLC, please send your                       pitch and document to:         

 writeillusionllc at gmail dot com.  



If you have been requested to submit an article or story to Write Illusion please visit the submission page

Unsolicited submissions are not accepted. 

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