Write Illusion LLC was founded in 2017 by Melissa Koons.
Melissa has her BA from the University of Northern Colorado in English and Secondary Education. She is a published novelist and licensed teacher.
She has worked as a ghostwriter on over 60 projects, as well as an editor and document/manuscript formatter for numerous clients.
As an educator, she has three years of public teaching experience as well as an additional four years experience with private tutoring. She is certified to teach English, Social Studies, and Special Education.
Melissa Koons is a historical fiction author who also writes short story horror and poetry. In all of her writings, she likes to develop and explore the different types of relationships we encounter, develop, and experience. In addition to doing this in her works of fiction, she also writes a non-fiction blog with her musings about relationships, self-care, and understanding mental and emotional diagnoses such as anxiety and depression which can be found on her tarot reading platform: Magnificent Musings.
She enjoys applying her expertise and craft of storytelling to analyzing popular films and franchises which she uses in her relationships analysis blog and presentations at local conventions.